Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Button Headband

Inspired by a photo I found on Pinterest (unfortunately it had a broken link, so I won't bother to share it here...), I wanted to make a button headband for my daughter. She's growing out her bangs, so headbands have become a very important accessory! And she loves buttons *almost* as much as her mama. 

This was really quite a simple project - less than 10 minutes. I grabbed my beloved stash of buttons and a standard plastic headband and used hot glue to attach them. I started a about an inch from the end of each side, to allow room for her ears. 

It turned out cute, but a little on the heavy side, so probably not for a full school day. 
Ice on Abalone Shell

In other news, it's been c-o-l-d here. Well, "California cold" anyway. This was the kids' first week back at school and it felt a little mean to drop them off with temperatures below 25°. We bundled up with extra layers, for sure! This was the view out our back doors - frozen dirt and a lovely sunrise. 
Oh... and ice on our abalone shell on the back patio made for quite a lovely photo. 
Would you like to see more of my button projects? Click here. And be sure to check out my Pinterest boards - lots of inspiration and ideas to keep me busy for a loooong time!

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