Sunday, June 7, 2009

For Melissa

My dear friend Melissa hosted a "baby party" for our new addition this weekend. As a thank you, I wanted to make her something personal.

Melissa loves monograms and she recently said two of her favorite colors are pink and green. Without further adieu, here is Melissa's pink and green monogrammed pillow.

Thank you, Melissa! It was so sweet of you to offer to host this party for our little guy and we had a wonderful time. XOXO.


UB said...

Stunning and alive with freshness.

Melissa Morelli said...

Just finally catching up on the sewing blog...I should send you a photo of the pillow on our guest room bed. Our comforter is a pale green and the pillows are white and brown and this little guy looks bea-u-tiful smack dab in the middle. I love having me a piece of homemade Jodie in my house. Thanks a million :) xoxo


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