I think, by now, I've established my love of buttons. I don't use them for a whole lot, really, but I adore them and collect (hoard?) them. Well this Christmas, I used a big chunk of my green buttons to make this little Christmas tree. I think it took a little less than 200 pins and buttons and less than an hour to make.
I started with a basic (and cheap!) styrofoam tree form from Michaels. Simply stuck a pin through a button and kept going and going and going, using the smaller buttons to fill in between. Easy! The kids actually helped quite a bit, too (with only one minor poke that didn't even draw blood!). It will be on a shelf with this mercury glass owl I found at Home Goods last year. 

I think this would also be adorable in all white buttons with colored pins or a variety of colors with white pins. Choices choices choices.
Really cute!
I have two styrofoam tree forms for the last few years meant to make one of those and one yo yo tree. Still not done.
I absolutely love this idea! I have a TON of buttons so I'll be making one of these this December.
What type of pins do you use and where can I get them? Love this idea!
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