Saturday, June 30, 2012

Our Forever House

Our forever house is done!
A couple of weeks ago, we had a housewarming party for family and friends and I took a few snapshots of our progress so far.  I thought my sewing friends would like to see some of our decor, too. These were taken when we were 3-weeks in, so there are still some unfinished projects, but you'll get an idea. 

This is standing in our living room, looking into the dining room.

Laundry... (the little sign above the window says "Laundry Today or Naked Tomorrow." Makes me smile.

 These frames were a gift from my husband for my birthday earlier this month. I now have a "gallery" down our hallway.
 My son's room...
 (click here for quilt details or click here for bird mobile details).
 And my daughter's room... (click here for quilt details).

 We collected these M's over the last few months and painted some of them to make a M collage.
More photos coming soon of the sewing room that is almost done. Can you say "happy place?"  :)

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