Thursday, September 20, 2012

Strings and Sunrise

 I've been sewing away, slowing making lots and lots of string blocks with my vintage linens. This is my month for the Bee Vintage sewing bee and this is the block style I've requested. If no one flakes this time, I should receive 11 blocks. I'm estimating I need about 24 blocks for the twin-sized quilt I need for my daughter's bed. So far, I've made four (pictured here). Four down, eight to go!

string quilt block vintage linens sheets

string quilt block vintage linens sheets
As with the string block quilt I made in the Spring, these ones take a little less than an hour to make the 4 pieces that make a block. It's the perfect project to do during my little man's naptime. And... oh my oh my how I love these fabrics. I'm trying to use a lot of blues and purples, since those are the colors my daughter (and I!) like best. I can't wait to see how lovely these will look in her bedroom. 
string quilt block vintage linens sheets

And a few snapshots of a pretty spectacular sunrise this morning. Living in the country may be dusty and involve more "critters" that I would like, but man the views are pretty unbeatable.
sunrise kings county laton hanford
sunrise kings county laton hanford

1 comment:

  1. Oh so beautiful, I can't wait to see the bee blocks that come to join those! Have you paper pieced the blocks? I so want to make a string quilt and am saving my vintage sheets so I've got a good variety!


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