Monday, March 8, 2010

Carseat Quilt

(This one has been done for a while, but I didn't want to post too early since it is a gift).

I became a Great-Aunt last week when my husband's nephew welcomed a son, Levi. I made him a little carseat quilt similar to the one I made for Matthew. As small as that quilt is, we've gotten SO much use out of it. It's just the perfect size for in the carseat and stroller or for laying on the floor for baby to play. This time, I chose all blues, browns, and greens...

The backing and binding is this interesting blue & green fabric I found on super clearance at Beverly's last summer. I think I bought something like 10 yards, so trust that you'll be seeing a lot of it 'round here (including on the blue & green circle quilt coming soon!).

I quilted this with a new technique (new to me anyway). It's free motion swirls, but with little loops as well. It was fun and seemed to go faster than the usual free-motion stippling.

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