Sunday, November 4, 2012

China Cabinet Overhall (I'm in Love!)

Before we even moved in, I knew I was going to want to upgrade our china cabinet. We have a cute little old cabinet that we've been using for many years. But... it's just very little. And with a big dining room and a whole wall to fill, I was daydreaming of a more substantial piece of furniture. So... here's the "BEFORE" picture... 

I found this big mama through a friend in my mothers' group and ended up trading a diamond ring I found at the beach last Summer. The ring wasn't really my style (although I DO love diamonds...), but I loved the shape and the size of this china cabinet. However, I wanted to paint it. Luckily my husband recognized that he is a perfectionist and I am not... he offered to do the painting if I'd do the sanding. 
And I sanded. And sanded. And sanded. There's lots of little nooks and crannies in this hutch! 
 This weekend, it is finally done! My hubby did a GREAT job on the painting. I loooove how big and light and bright this baby is.

He did a little distressing to the paint, too, which I adore. Added benefit? I'm sure my kids will add some additional distressing to it, which means we don't have to stress or worry about every little nick or scratch now - it just adds to the character.
 We went with a funky turquoise color (which I am currently obsessed with) for the hardware. I LOVE the little bit of "wow" it adds to the cabinet.

 And here's the finished room! (See here for details about the little wreath and the table runner).

I love how this hutch turned out and am so so so thankful for all of my husband's work on it. The best part? He's pretty impressed with how it turned out, too, and is already talking about what ELSE we could paint and distress! It's like music to my ears...  : )


  1. That turned out beautiful! Love the blue fixtures too. Tell your husband I have hutch and table I need painted if he ever gets bored.

  2. I love how your cabinet turned out! The blue hardware is so cool -- just the right touch. I recently painted a dark wood buffet for my dining room that I got for $40 at the Salvation Army store. So much fun to turn something into just what you want!

  3. Gorgeous! It's amazing what a little paint and lots of elbow grease can do Ü

  4. This turned out gorgeous! I know what a huge amount of work redoing a hutch is, you guys did beautifully! Love the little pops of turquoise too :)

  5. Lovely china cabinet, love the white.
    Just a little tip here, I don't know if you are aware that you have word verification turned on. It makes it extremely difficult to make a comment as these word verification things are was to smashed together to make out what they are. If you want to change it, go to design, then settings, then posts and comments, there is an option there to turn off world verrification. I am sure you would get tons more comments. Hope that helps. Beautiful job on the hutch.

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  7. Wow and wow again! Like others have said, it's amazing what paint can do! If you're thinking about painting another piece of furniture, you might want to check into Annie Sloan chalk paint. They say it's great and you don't have to sand. I haven't used it myself yet but have done a DIY version of that paint and didn't sand. Regardless of what paint you used, this is absolutely fabulous in white! Such a great improvement from the dark wood before.

  8. I know you painted your china hutch a couple of years ago, however, I just found your post! GORGEOUSE!!! Can you please tell me what paint and color you used on it? I am dying to paint a cabinet white! Thanks sooo much!!


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