Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bee Vintage Quilting Bee : October Block #1 & 2 (and 3)

I'm so sad that October is the last month of the Bee Vintage quilting bee! Here are the 2 final requests.

Heather requested string blocks similar to what I chose for my month (still working on those blocks for my little girl... I have about 6 more to make!). She wanted a 1.5" white strip in the center and her blocks were a little smaller. I love string blocks, so I was excited.

And Christina requested blocks from Oh Frannson's sampler quilt, with vintage linens mixed with modern fabrics. I love this idea and can't wait to see what her quilt looks like.  I used one of my favorite blue-and-white florals and an Amy Butler blue-and-aqua print from her "Love" line of fabrics. 
There's talk of continuing the Bee after the New Year - I sure hope they do, I loved this group and everyone made beautiful blocks in a timely fashion. It's so nice to have a positive experience after a not-so-great one last time I participated in a bee and two of the members collected their blocks, but didn't sew anything in return.  :(  I'm so so so glad to find out not all Bee's are disappointing.

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