Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Nook Cover

Last week was my birthday and my husband spoiled me rotten. I got a new Mac computer AND a new Nook Color e-reader! The computer was desperately needed - our PC was more than 7 years old and a dinosaur in terms of technology. And the Nook is so much fun! It's perfect for taking in the backyard to read or play online while the kids are playing and will be awesome for traveling since I love to read and most of the places we stay have wi-fi. Woohoo!

Anyway - I want to keep the Nook cozy and protected, so I made a cute little cover for it using some bird fabric that I love. I quilted it and added a little loop and button to keep it from jumping out.
My daughter found it absolutely hysterical that I used one of her pony-tails. Hey! It works great and didn't cost me anything!

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